“Making art with recycled and eco-sustainable materials, transforming my paintings into missions for our planet”

The love for our planet made me rethink about the concept of raw material, transforming my artworks into real sustainability messages, and most of all into concrete actions. After long researches I managed to substitute the usual painting canvas with a fabric called “Vita” (Italian word for “Life”) made by an Italian company called Carvico. This fabric is produced by collecting abandoned fishing nets from the bottom of the oceans, and turning them into wonderful fabrics that find lots of uses, especially in the fashion industry.

During the painting phase I use, together with the classic instruments like brushes and palette knives, several types of recycled plastics from logistic services, plastic bags and wrap, such as the plastic panels built using 100% recycled materials from single-use plastic bottles, produced by an Italian company called Alisea.

I also use other types of production scraps materials from building companies such as nets and plasterboards parts, recycled paints and vinyl glue that comes from the remainders of a company that produces pharmaceutical boxes. The wood I use to build the wooden stretchers comes from carpenter’s shops scraps, glued together to form some new panels that can be then cut into solid strips, assembled together to hold the fabric I use to paint on.

The transition between the traditional and new recycled materials has happened during 2019.

In order to eliminate the Co2 emissions caused by logistics and transportation, I have an agreement with the website Treedom.net from Florence, giving a tree as a gift together with every artwork I sell. The company Treedom.net, in activity since 2010, works on reforestation projects all over the world, and up until today they have planted up to 800.000 trees in fourteen different countries, giving the possibility to who “adopts” a tree to follow its growth, together with the reforestation project it belongs to.

I think that re-establish a real contact with our Earth, making it feel loved and protected, bringing the attention back to the primary cures that it needs will make us bring back also the contact with our own deep essence, with the vital energy from which everything rises from and to which everything goes back to, refining our perception of beauty and rising ourselves up to a superior spiritual awareness. So I decided to transform my artworks into tangible actions toward our planet, joining the need of beauty typically human with widest need of eco-sustainability that our whole planet needs.

How to make a completely eco-friendly piece of art!


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This is another preview from the interview by Petrina Kapper, made in February this year (2020). In this part we are talking about the raw materials I use to trasform every artwork into a real message of sustainability and love for our amazing planet. It would be enough if every one of us could do one thing every day, like stop buying single use plastic bottles and get water from fountains instead, for example, or avoid using plastic bags preferring fabric ones, walk to work or catch a bus if possible, choose enviromental friendly products at the supermarket, and most of all teach our kids by giving them the right example about how we should respect and appreciate nature and animals. What can you do today to make our planet a better place for us all tomorrow?
Every little bit really matters.

How to make a completely eco-friendly piece of art!


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So this is the second part of the video in which I explain how is it possible to make a COMPLETELY eco-friendly piece of art! What I didn’t mention in this video is that to get down to zero the Co2 emissions I produce when using a courier for ordering my art supplies, delivering the commissioned pieces and sending them around for exhibitions I have an agreement with the company @treedom_trees (check their profile out, they really rock!), based in Florence. Every time I sell a piece of art I adopt a tree and give it to my collector as a gift. This is to say…every little bit matters! What can you do TODAY?
#savetheplanet #artawareness